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"Why don't you create a Sentimonster to get us out of here?"

"First of all, don't call them that. I refuse to create a being to manipulate them, control them, abuse them, and end up destroying them."

Kagami Tsurugi & Félix Fathom, "Pretension"

A Sentimonster is a living creation/being born from a person's emotions through Amokization, the superpower of the Peacock Miraculous, which involves turning a white feather into an Amok. They can take on a vast variety of forms and sometimes have special powers.


Whenever a person feels strong emotions, such as anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, humiliation, dedication, disappointment, guilt, betrayal, despair, vengeance, curiosity, love, excitement, stress, hunger, confidence, desire, frustration, determination, pride, ambition, hate, etc, the Peacock Miraculous' wearer takes one of the feathers from their hand fan and charges it with magical energy, transforming the feather into an Amok. The Peacock owner then sends the Amok away to reach the person with the strong emotions.

Miraculer 148

Dark-blue ether surrounding in front of August, manifesting the Lollipop Boy.

Once the Amok reaches the recipient, it inhabits an object belonging to them, after which, a telepathic connection is established between the recipient and the Peacock Miraculous' wearer. The wearer of the Peacock Miraculous will then have the ability to manifest a Sentimonster from the recipient's emotions via a magical dark-blue ether that appears next to the amok recipient. The Peacock Miraculous user will also be able to remotely communicate with the recipient and the Sentimonster with telepathy similar to how Rena Rouge and Volpina can communicate through their illusions.

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A representation of how Félix was manifested.

It is revealed in "Representation" that there is more than one way for the Sentimonster to manifest; when Adrien Agreste and his cousin Félix Fathom were manifested, it was as growing fetuses inside their respective mothers' womb.

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Argos manifesting Red Moon from his own emotions.

Human sentimonsters can even create their own sentimonsters from their own emotions by using the Peacock Miraculous, as Felix was able to create Red Moon while using a copy of Adrien's ring as the amokized object in "Emotion".

The Peacock Miraculous user can also create sentimonsters from their own emotions. Whilst multiple Sentimonsters can exist, only one can be created per user. In order for a new Sentimonster to be created by the same user, the current one must be dispelled.

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Félix continues to exist even after his father passed away.

In "Representation", It is revealed that the amok can remain inside the Amokized object even after the Peacock Miraculous holder who used it and/or the recipient of said amok have died/passed away, the Sentimonster that is created will continue to exist and live as well.


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Mayura manifesting a butterfly sentimonster to protect Hawk Moth.

The Sentimonster has an appearance and abilities that correspond to the recipient and the emotion they felt, the same emotion that the Sentimonster was manifested from, and they can come in a very wide variety of shapes and sizes; including animals, anthropomorphic objects, humans, and much more. They can be very large, towering over buildings, or very small, able to fit in the palm of ones hand. Sometimes, a Sentimonster will possess special superpowers that go beyond its anatomy and brute strength. Depending on the complexity of its creation, Sentimonsters can range from basic sentience to fully sapient beings capable of complex thought. A Sentimonster can also possesses personality traits that relate to its physical form. For example, Kuro Neko, a Sentimonster in the likeness of a cat, likes to eat grass to help it cough up its hair balls, the same as a real cat does.

According to Thomas Astruc, "Sentimonster" is not a species, it is a "status" one may have.[1] The nature of the manifested emotion ultimately depends on what it is made to be. If a Sentimonster is made to be human, then it is just as real and human as anyone else.[2] Sentimonsters are not even necessarily living beings, it all depends on how they were conceived during the creation process.[3]

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Pegabug takes the Amokized coffee cup and uses it to command Sentibubbler.

A Sentimonster will obey the order of whoever is in possession of their Amokized object, even if that person is an opponent of the Peacock Miraculous holder and/or the person whose emotions the Sentimonster was manifested from.

If a Sentimonster gets ahold of their Amokized object, then they will be able to think and act on their own free will, as seen in "Ladybug", "Representation", and "Re-creation".

As seen in "Truth", "Sentibubbler" and "Kuro Neko", a Sentimonster can receive commands from the Peacock Miraculous holder and/or the person who possesses their Amok, even if they are out of earshot.

Due to an Amok being connected to a Sentimonster's life force, if an Amokized object suffers a minor damage, the Sentimonster it controls can suffer pain as well, as seen in "Representation", when Colt cracked his Amokized ring, thus causing Félix to collapse.

As stated by Nathalie in "Feast", the Peacock Miraculous owner can only control the Sentimonsters if they possess the Amokized object. However, they would still be able to release another Peacock Miraculous user's Sentimonster from existence, which could be used as leverage to make the Sentimonster compliant.

Sentimonsters are also highly durable, if not outright indestructible, with even Cataclysm, the power of the Cat Miraculous capable of feats up to galactic or universal destruction, being unable to outright destroy a Sentimonster. If Cataclysm is used on a Sentimonster, it will cause cracks to appear and spread all over its body. This damaged state can deeply effect the Sentimonster in question, breaking the link between the sentimonster and its Amok holder, causing it to go berserk, like a bee sting on a bull. However, this was not the case when Cat Noir was hit by Cataclysm in "Miraculer", instead he reacted with pain and agony like a regular human Miraculous holder. It could be a result of his miraculous suit protecting him, or his physical nature as a human-sentimonster. It may also be due to the fact that it was done via akumatization and not the real Cat Miraculous.

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Adrien Agreste is a Human-Sentimonster who never left home for a good part of his childhood, so he wasn't trained to be good at soccer.

Sentimonsters can also lack certain abilities, such as being good at soccer. Similar to humans, humanoid sentimonsters need to or can be taught these skills. But sometimes even if humanoid one despite being based on a human, isn't taught a certain skill or if not all the skills and abilities their human counterpart has or the creator doesn't know all the skills or behavior patterns the real person has then another can tell the difference between a original person and a humanoid sentimonster. Such as in "Ladybug", as the two Ladybugs used their powers Cat Noir saw the original being given a fork and the sentimonster being given a large blaster commenting the one beside him was the real one as he remembered that Ladybug's power never gave her a weapon as a Lucky Charm, or when Shadow Moth created Sentinino, He didn't know the secret handshake the real Nino and Alya shared.

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Adrien having an allergy crisis after putting on the derby hat with feathers.

Human sentimonsters can also naturally develop allergies, as Adrien possesses an allergy to feathers.

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Adrien crying after seeing lots of billboards of him and Ladybug kissing.

If a sentimonster is meant to have a human aspect, then it can have any human emotion, like for example, Adrien, in "Glaciator 2", who went into a deep sadness after being scolded by Ladybug for being a couple, and seeing all these billboards around town with pictures of Ladybug and Cat Noir kissing.

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Adrien being ordered by his father not to kiss Marinette.

Also, as revealed in "Adoration", when Adrien was trying to kiss Marinette and his father disallowed him, he immediately didn't kiss her and went inside his home, while Gabriel twists his ring to control him.

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Shadow Moth twisting his finger so Adrien wouldn't resist the akumatization.

If a sentimonster is under the control of a Butterfly Miraculous wielder and tries to resist akumatization/kamikotization, it will not succeed, as shown in "Ephemeral", when Adrien tried to resist his akumatization, but was thwarted due to Shadow Moth rotating his ring finger.

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Argos releases Red Moon from existence with great pain and remorse.

If a human-made sentimonster knows about their true nature and others are active, and in some cases they see another sentimonster suffering, or being imprisoned/released from existence, then they will develop some kinship for them like true siblings, as Flairmidable developed grief for the Strikebacks after Pegabug teleported them to the Sun, and when him, as Argos regretfully released Red Moon out of existence.


Adrien as Cat Noir for the first time.

Human sentimonsters can also be miraculous holders, such as Adrien, who uses the Cat Miraculous to become Cat Noir.


In order to defeat a sentimonster, one must break/damage/destroy the object containing the amok. Once the amokized object is broken/damaged/destroyed, the Amok will be released, and the Sentimonster will disappear into nothingness.

After the object is broken, the owner of the Ladybug Miraculous uses the yo-yo to capture the Amok. The Yo-yo will then "purify" the Amok and turn it back into a feather. It is currently unknown what will happen if the amok was allowed to fly away without being purified.

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The Ladybug Sentimonster being released from existence after her Amok was removed by Mayura.

If a Sentimonster's amok is duplicated somehow, as was the case with Mega Leech, all of the Amoks must be released, captured, and purified before the Sentimonster can disappear.

The Peacock Miraculous wearer can revoke the amok themselves, thus destroying/releasing the Sentimonster from existence and purifying the Amok without needing the Ladybug Yo-yo. To do this, the Peacock user must simply snap their fingers.

However, as seen in Miraculous Shanghai and Gamer 2.0, if a Sentimonster is killed through other means, such as the power of another Miraculous and are on the side of good, they can still be brought back to life with the Miraculous Ladybug, but only if their amoks are still inside their respective objects.


Name Image Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Multiple sentimonsters (A rooster, dog, axolotl, cat, snake, walrus, rabbit, and armadillo) Ancient Chinese Sentimonsters Square Unknown Animal Psychology File:ListPlaceholder.png File:ListPlaceholder.png
Dormant Sentimonster
(a.k.a. Feast)
Dormant Sentimonster Square Anger & Hunger Could track down the Miraculouses and devour anything in its path. Whatever it ate would be trapped in a pocket dimension within its stomach for eternity. It also had a long, sticky, frog-like tongue. Following its Akumatization, it grew to gigantic size. File:Wang Fu Peacock Superhero Square.png File:Guardians' staff Square.png
Adrien Agreste
(a.k.a. Cat Noir)
Adrien Agreste Love Human appearance and nature. File:Emilie Agreste Square.png
File:Gabriel Agreste Square.png
File:Graham de Vanily Twin Rings.png
Félix Fathom
(a.k.a. Argos)
Félix Fathom Square Jealousy Human appearance and nature. Has a similar appearance to his cousin, just as his mother has to his aunt. File:ListPlaceholder.png
File:Amelie Graham de Vanily Square.png
File:Felix's Ring.png

Name Image Episode Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Butterfly Sentimonster Butterfly Sentimonster Square "Mayura" Despair Its wings allowed it to fly and generate strong winds. Hawk Moth Square File:Butterfly Miraculous' Cane Square.png
Reflekdoll Reflekdoll Square "Reflekdoll" Frustration & Misery Was able to shoot a massive beam of energy from her mouth that transformed people into lookalikes of Reflekta, much like Reflekta's own ability. Juleka Couffaine File:Clip.png
Lollipop Boy Lollipop Boy Square "Miraculer" Frustration Massive size and strength. File:August Square.png File:Pacifier.png
Ladybug Ladybug Sentimonster Square "Ladybug" Dedication Had all the abilities of the real Ladybug, including the power to create a "Senti-Charm". Nathalie claimed that this Sentimonster was the most powerful ever to exist. Mayura Square File:Mayura's eiffel tower keychain.png
Butterfly Sentimonster Butterfly Sentimonster Square "Miracle Queen" Determination It could fly using its wings and its stinger could break through things that were incredibly durable, such as Shell-ter. Hawk Moth Square File:Butterfly Miraculous' Cane Square.png

Name Image Episode Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Lollipop Boy Lollipop Boy Square "Truth" Unknown Massive size and strength. File:ListPlaceholder.png File:ListPlaceholder.png
Lighteye File:Lighteye Square.png Betrayal Was capable of shining a beam of light from its eye that immobilized anyone it shone on, preventing them from moving their body, but still allowing them to speak. It could also send and receive messages from Truth remotely. File:Luka Couffaine Square.png File:Luka's Guitar Pick Necklace.png
Banana Boom-Boom File:Banana Boom-Boom Square.png "Queen Banana" Pride, Anger & Sadness Threw giant exploding bananas that transformed anyone they touched into a banana. He was also incredibly strong. Chloé Bourgeois Square File:Chloé's banana-like pin Square.png
Gabriel Agreste
(a.k.a. The Collector)
File:Gabriel Agreste sentimonster Square.png "Gabriel Agreste" Vengeance & Determination Had the exact appearance and voice of the real Gabriel. As the Collector, he was able to trap objects and people as videos inside his tablet by touching it to them. Anyone trapped in the tablet would reveal their secrets when their video was played. If he threw the tablet, it would return to him. Unlike the original Collector's book, his tablet was implied to have infinite storage. Shadow Moth Square File:Gabriel's glasses.png
Mega Leech File:Mega Leech Square.png "Mega Leech" Stress, Anger & Frustration Was able to float in mid-air, and it could release countless mini Malediktators out of its eyes after the original jumped into its mouth. When those tiny clones got inside someone's ear and entered their brain, that person fell under Malediktator's total control. Each clone had their own akuma and amok. File:André Bourgeois Square.png File:Andre's Sash.png
Guiltrip File:Guiltrip Square.png "Guiltrip" Guilt Could create a strong vacuum vortex from its mouth that sucked nearby people into a pocket dimension inside its body. Once someone was trapped inside it, they were infected with a strong sense of guilt over their past and current regrets and failings. It also produced bubbles from valves on the walls on the pocket dimension that clung to the trapped victims, attracted to their feelings of guilt, and once they were completely covered in bubbles, they turned into copies of Reflekta who sought to keep other people trapped in the guilty void. File:Juleka Couffaine Square.png File:Juleka's Phone.png
Optigami File:Optigami Square.png "Optigami" Curiosity & Determination Was able to merge with and hide inside of any object, and it could send whatever it saw to Mayura's tablet like a security camera. It was also able to fly. Mayura Square File:Optigami - Tablet.png
Sentialec File:Sentialec Square.png Excitement Had the exact appearance and voice of the real Alec. He was also good at insulting people and making them angry. Shadow Moth Square File:Butterfly Miraculous' Cane Square.png
(a.k.a. Senticarapace)
File:Sentinino Square.png Ambition Had the exact appearance and voice of the real Nino. When he got the Turtle Miraculous, he was able to use all the abilities of the real Carapace.
Sentibubbler File:Sentibubbler Square.png "Sentibubbler" Confidence Had the same appearance and abilities as Nino Lahiffe's akumatized form, the Bubbler, allowing him to use his bubble wand to create impenetrable bubbles that he could use to trap people and make them float away. File:Coffee Square.png
Hack-San File:Hack-San Square.png "Hack-San" Determination & Ambition Was able to download a virus that forced Markov, once he was infected, to feel negative emotions, mainly rage/anger. File:Butterfly Miraculous' Cane Square.png
Lollipop Boy Lollipop Boy Square "Qilin" Unknown Massive size and strength. File:ListPlaceholder.png File:ListPlaceholder.png
Kuro Neko File:Kuro Neko Square.png "Kuro Neko" Sadness/Grief Massive size and strength, as well as sharp claws. File:Rythm Square.png File:Rythm Maneki-neko.png
Strikeback File:Strikeback Square.png "Risk" Determination/Ambition Massive size and strength, and could copy any superpowers used against it. Shadow Moth Square Cane
The events of "Lies", are parallel to the events of "Truth", thus Lollipop Boy and Lighteye made an appearance as those events are shown from Adrien's point of view.

Name Image Episode Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Red Moon File:Red Moon Square.png "Emotion" Anger & Hate Everyone bathed by its light would disappear and reappear once Argos snapped his fingers. It could also change its size, so its light could engulf from a small room to an entire world. Argos Square File:Felix's ring.png
Once Upon a Time File:Once Upon a Time Square.png "Representation" Desire Was able to project images like a movie projector, as well as provide light-based special effects. File:Kagami Tsurugi Square.png File:Kagami's Ring.png

Name Image Episode Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Robostus File:Robostus Sentimonster Square.png "Miraculous New York" Unknown Unknown, possibly the same as the real Robostus. It was able to cause significant damage to the city of Paris, during a surprise attack. Mayura Square File:ListPlaceholder.png
Lollipop Boy File:Lollipop Boy (Scarabella Universe) Square.png "Miraculous Paris" Unknown Massive size and strength. File:ListPlaceholder.png File:ListPlaceholder.png

Name Image Media Emotion Powers Recipient Object
Despair Bear File:Despair Bear Sentimonster.jpg "Miraculous RP: Quests of Ladybug & Cat Noir" Disgust & Sorrow Had the power to control the mind of any player it hung on to. File:Gabriel Agreste Square.png File:Gabriel's Collector Copy.jpg
Lighteye File:Lighteye Square.png Unknown Was capable of shining a useless beam of light. It could also levitate. File:ListPlaceholder.png File:Luka's Guitar Pick Necklace.png
Lollipop Boy Lollipop Boy Square Massive size and strength. File:ListPlaceholder.png File:ListPlaceholder.png
Caterpillar/Sphinx File:Caterpillar Sentimonster Square.png "Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx" Anger & Frustration Was able to create traps and silk balls and could also feed on the hopelessness of people to increase its size.

As a butterfly, it could also spread toxic dust that put people in a stasis of despair and sadness.

Hawk Moth Square File:Nathalie's pendant.png
File:Sphinx Square.png
Unknown File:ListPlaceholder.png "Miraculous Puzzle Hero Match 3" Unknown Unknown File:ListPlaceholder.png



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  • The name sentimonster is a portmanteau of "sentiment", a synonym for feelings, and "monster", hinting towards the fact that sentimonsters are monsters formed from emotions.
  • If they are used for good, they can be called sentibeings or sentis.[4]
  • This power is somewhat similar to Kamikotization, as both involve embuing an item with magic and communicating telepathically with a person.
    • Unlike Kamikotization, however, Amokization can embue an object that's been destroyed, although it is still possible to damage it further to release the amok.
      • Also, unlike Kamikotization, the sentimonster can only be controlled by the one who possesses the object containing the amok, while the power to control Kamikotized champions belongs to the Butterfly Miraculous owner.
    • Just like the Butterfly Miraculous owner can create heroes as well as villains, the Peacock Miraculous owner can create good and evil Sentimonsters.
    • Just like Akumatized villains can turn against the Butterfly Miraculous owner, Sentimonsters can turn against the Peacock Miraculous owner or the one that was controlling them, as long they gain possession of the object containing their amok.
  • Sentimonsters are living emotions manifested in physical form and have feelings, so they can also be Akumatized, as seen in "Feast", "Cat Blanc", "Gabriel Agreste" and "Ephemeral".[5] As such, Amokization can fuse itself with Akumatization to create a hybrid mask.
  • They can be created by a combination of emotions and not just one.
  • While multiple sentimonsters can exist at a given time, a holder is only able to create one at a time.[6]
    • For example, Mayura was able to create singular Sentimonsters while Adrien Agreste, Félix Fathom and the Dormant Sentimonster are active.
    • This is further proven in "Optigami" and "Representation", as Shadow Moth was able to create Sentialec and Sentinino even while Optigami was active, as Optigami was created by Mayura rather than Shadow Moth, and when Argos was able to create Once Upon a Time even while he and Adrien Agreste are already active.
      • Not only that, Colt Fathom was able to create his son while Adrien Agreste is already active.
  • An Ancient Chinese Peacock Miraculous user was shown in an illustration surrounded by multiple sentimonsters, though it is unclear if this was an actual example of multiple sentimonsters having been created at the same time or merely an example of the types that can be created.
  • Even though users of the Peacock Miraculous can make humanoid sentimonsters that look and sound like the real humans they are based on, they can only copy their memories and mannerisms the miraculous holder knew of.[7]
    • In "Emotion", it's revealed that sentimonsters can grant people powers, similarly to kamikotized heroes/akumatized villains such as Catalyst and the Rooster Miraculous' power.


v - e
Miraculous Ladybug Logo
Television: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat NoirMiraculous (live-action TV series)

Film: Ladybug & Cat Noir AwakeningMiraculous (live-action film)
Web series: Miraculous SecretsMiraculous: Tales from ParisMiraculous ZAG Chibi
Apps: Miraculous Ladybug & Cat NoirZAG Heroez
Music: Miraculous Ladybug Christmas AlbumThe Wall Between Us
Books: Comic seriesMiraculous Adventures
Others: Ladybug PVMiraculous CGI promotional videos

Notable characters
French Miraculous superhero team: Marinette Dupain-Cheng/LadybugAdrien Agreste/Cat NoirAlya Césaire/Rena RougeChloé Bourgeois/Queen BeeNino Lahiffe/CarapaceAlix Kubdel/BunnyxFélix Fathom/ArgosLuka Couffaine/ViperionLê Chiến Kim/King MonkeyKagami Tsurugi/RyukoMax Kanté/PegasusZoé Lee/VesperiaMylène Haprèle/PolymouseRose Lavillant/PigellaJuleka Couffaine/Purple TigressSabrina Raincomprix/Miss HoundMarc Anciel/Rooster BoldNathaniel Kurtzberg/CaprikidIvan Bruel/Minotaurox

Kwamis: TikkiPlaggWayzzNoorooTrixxPollenDuusuFluffSassXuppuLonggKaalkiMulloDaizziRoaarBarkk ZiggyOrikkoStompp
Allies: Master Wang Fu/Jade TurtleUnited Heroez (Olympia Hill/MajestiaJessica Keynes/Sparrow/EagleAeon/Uncanny ValleyBarbara Keynes/KnightowlDean Gate/DoormanCamilla Hombee/VictoryHurricaneSnowflakeStingAgent RedHot Dog DanAgent YellowAgent BlueThornMercury)Fei Wu/Lady Dragon
Antagonists: Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/MonarchNathalie Sancoeur/MayuraChloé BourgeoisTomoe TsurugiLila Rossi/Cerise Bianca/Iris VerdiFélix FathomBob RothXY/Xavier-Yves Roth

Notable locations
Collège Françoise DupontNew York CityParisLondonShanghaiTokyo
Notable episodes
Season 1: "The Origins Story"

Season 2: "Queen's Battle""Heroes' Day""Santa Claws"
Season 3: "The Battle of the Miraculous"
Season 4: "Shadow Moth's Final Attack"
Season 5: "The Kwamis' Choice""The Last Day""Action"
Other: "Miraculous Shanghai""Miraculous New York""Miraculous Paris""Miraculous London"List of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir episodes
Cancelled/Unconfirmed: "Ladybug in Halloween""Miraculous Africa""Miraculous Rio"Miraculous Tokyo""One Night Mission"

Notable objects
Miraculouses: Ladybug MiraculousCat MiraculousTurtle MiraculousButterfly MiraculousFox MiraculousBee MiraculousPeacock MiraculousMouse MiraculousOx MiraculousTiger MiraculousRabbit MiraculousDragon MiraculousSnake MiraculousHorse MiraculousGoat MiraculousMonkey MiraculousRooster MiraculousDog MiraculousPig Miraculous

Miraculous tools:BallBolasBullroarerCaneFluteFountain PenHand FanHorseshoeLyreMalletPaint BrushRuyi Jingu BangShieldSkip RopeSpinning TopStaffSwordTambourineUmbrellaYo-yo
Other: Marinette's purseMiracle Box

See Also
Miraculous Ladybug WikiZAG Heroez

de:Sentimonster fr:Sentimonstre it:Sentimostro pl:Emo-potwór pt-br:Sentimonstro
