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The Bee Miraculous is a hair comb that, whenever Pollen inhabits it, transforms the wearer into a bee-themed superhero and with power of Action.
To activate the comb, the user must speak the transformation phrase: "Buzz On". To deactivate the comb, the user must speak the detransformation phrase: "Buzz Off".
It was previously being stored in the Chinese Miracle Box. When the situation called for it, the hair comb was temporarily lent to Zoé Lee, who used it to transform into Vesperia. In "Strikeback", it was stolen by Félix Fathom, who gave it to Gabriel Agreste in exchange for the Peacock Miraculous, with other miraculouses.
Previously, it was temporarily used by Chloé Bourgeois to transform into Queen Bee, but Chloé was permanently stripped of the Miraculous after turning traitor and joining Hawk Moth.
In its charged mode the hair comb is golden with an arch on top and nine teeth. One side of the hair comb has the design of a bee: the head and thorax are made up of a larger and smaller black gemstone, respectively. The abdomen is represented by a section with seven -- (4) yellow and (3) black -- alternating stripes and four pearly white wings stretched out to make the arch with alternating lines forming into sections to resemble a bee's wings.
In its Activated mode, the body and teeth of the comb are pure yellow while the wings are pure white.
In its camouflage mode, the hair comb changes its appearance depending on the person currently holding it
- When it was worn by Zoé Lee, the body of the comb was yellow with pink segments, with pink wings and light blue edges while the teeth are pink. It represented the colors from her flower on her shirt. The design is also more geometric, matching the pattern on her shirt.
- When it was worn by Chloé Bourgeois, it was completely metallic gray.
- When it was worn by Marinette Dupain-Cheng, it was light and shiny rose gold.
As an akumatized object, the yellow and black are inverted and the wings take on a darker shade, or gains a reddish color instead.
The Bee Miraculous has the ability to transform its wielder into a bee-themed superhero, granting its wielder incredible superhuman powers of speed, endurance, agility, stamina and strength. It also makes the user nearly invulnerable.
Its special weapon is an unbreakable Spinning Top, which can be also be utilized as both a weapon, a communicator, a method of transportation and an object that can be used to breathe underwater. Its special superpower is named Venom, which gives the user the ability to instantly paralyze the target for an indeterminate amount of time in order to obtain their goal, like defeating a villain. As long as the superpower isn't used by a minor, the wielder can remain transformed indefinitely. However, as soon as the superpower is used, the wielder loses power and the transformation wears off in about approximately five minutes. The hair comb also has the ability to give the wielder the costume they truly desire.
- Zoé Lee (occasionally; currently)
- Chloé Bourgeois (occasionally; formerly)
- Marinette Dupain-Cheng (temporarily; formerly)
- Past Bee Miraculous Holders (formerly)
- Gabriel Agreste (formerly)
- Marinette Dupain-Cheng (formerly)
- Wang Fu (formerly)
- Mayura (briefly)
- Cat Noir (briefly)
- Rena Rouge (briefly)