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Spoke too soon, Kim! Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!

—Alix, "Timebreaker"

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Alix Kubdel[1] is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont.[2]

In "Timebreaker", after Alix's birthday gift, a special pocket watch, is accidentally destroyed, she is akumatized by Hawk Moth into Timebreaker, a time travelling supervillain.

In "Timetagger", it's revealed that Alix will receive the Rabbit Miraculous in the future. When the Miraculous is inhabited by Fluff, she becomes Bunnyx, a rabbit-themed superhero.

In "Gang of Secrets", after Marinette keeps hiding secrets from them, Alix is re-akumatized by Shadow Moth into Timebreaker along with Lady Wifi, Princess Fragrance, Reflekta and Horrificator, the five supervillains all form the Gang of Secrets, a group of supervillains who want to reveal Marinette's secrets.

In "Evolution", when in need of help to retrieve the Rabbit Miraculous from Monarch, Ladybug gives the Dog Miraculous to Alix who uses it to transform into Canigirl, a dog-themed superhero. With her power to retrieve any object her ball had touched, she manages to take the Rabbit Miraculous from Monarch and fuses it with the Dog Miraculous. After the battle, Alix delivers the Dog Miraculous to Ladybug, but she is allowed by Ladybug to keep the Rabbit Miraculous, so she can keep on helping them against Monarch. Currently, Alix, as Bunnyx, remains inside of her Burrow, ready to help the superheroes defeat Monarch, returning only to her time once they manage to defeat him completely.


Physical appearance[]

Alix is a slender, short, and lean French-Arabic teenage girl with brilliant cerulean eyes and messy pink/red hair in a bob cut that is partially tied into a small ponytail on the right side.

In the future she becomes much taller and she has dyed her hair red with black tips, which is now styled into a pixie cut.

Civilian attire[]

Alix wears a black cap with a black old English S logo that is outlined in white on the front. She wears a black long-sleeved, azureish gray shirt underneath a dark vermilion tank top. Each sleeve has a lime green scale patterned fabric snake, starting from her shoulders and coiling around her arms until their heads stop at her wrists. She also wears black jean shorts with pink stitching and black lace at the cuffs, black 1/2 hose length socks with two pink horizontal stripes, and black high top shoes with pink lace, black and lime green checkered sides with a wavy orange line over it, and white soles.

In the future, Alix has on a pink shirt with a black bunny-themed gear, a black vest over it, black wrist-length fingerless gloves, a pair of goggles over her head, denim shorts over her black leggings, and the same sneakers. She also has piercings on her ears and nose, and her arms are covered with lime green snake scale tattoos, decorated with pink flowers and undersides.

As Timebreaker[]

Timebreaker wears a black helmet with red spiked edges on the back and two green eye shields over each eye. She also wears a nearly black suit with lime green patches around her waist, around her lower hips and upper legs, and below her knees. Below her back of her wrists, there are glowing lime green ovals, and on her chest, there is a glowing red hourglass shape within a larger silver outline. Her roller blades are black with two glowing white wheels on each one and a thin green line about the foot's ball and instep. A power bar is on the sides of the blades keeping track of her energy level, being red at the lowest level and becoming luminous vivid cyan at the top when it's full.

As Bunnyx[]

Alix is like her future self but smaller.

She wears a vivid arctic blue and white jumpsuit with pockets at her stomach, which has a black turtleneck with a white cotton ball attached. Her mask is blue at the top, and white at the bottom, and it has small sapphire blue–colored circles at the corners. She has white rabbit ears, which have black lining, and are baby blue on the insides. Her tool, an umbrella which is white on the outside, white and baby blue on the inside, with a white handle, is attached to her back when not in use. The Rabbit Miraculous, a white and blue pocket watch, is stored in her pocket.

As Canigirl

Alix wears a dark brown suit with a tiny dog tail in the back with white on her chest extending down her back and around her ankles along with black on her shoulders, sides and upper legs a mask with white on the left and dark brown on the right and like Miss Hound she wears a dark brown and black beanie hat with small dog ears one brown and the other black. With the ball on her chest.

As Bunny Dog

After fusing the Rabbit Miraculous she gains white coloring on her arms and lower legs. Light blue coloring V shape on her chest with her mask changing from dark brown and white to light blue and white. Her hat also changes from brown and black to light blue and black switching the dog ears to rabbit ears.


Alix is a tomboy.[2] Tough, stubborn, reckless, and self-confident, she isn't afraid of challenges or saying what is on her mind. At the same time, she can be kind and grateful, like when her father gives her the family heirloom and when Ladybug fixes it after it breaks. She can become emotional and hold resentment toward others if someone goes wrong because of them, like with her watch. After her Akuma is purified, she realizes her own fault of not taking better care of the watch, and she tells Ladybug that she'll be more responsible with it.

Alix can be supportive and affectionate towards her friends as seen in "Zombizou", where she joined in on Rose and Juleka's group hug after Ladybug returned everything to normal, and joined the school rebellion, when Chloe sabotaged Marinette's gift, or in "Frightningale", where she praised Marinette for her giving up her chance to perform with Adrien and cheered for her when she rehearsed with him.

Alix is also helpful towards others as seen in "Reverser", where she sees Ladybug and Cat Noir's condition and insists on helping the heroes defeat the villain. She also gives Nathaniel some advice about Marc.

As an adult, Bunnyx is still full of self-confidence as she believed she could defeat Timetagger on her own. And yet she is also humble, admitting when she can't do things by herself, growing out being reckless. She is still tough and very determined as well as clever, seen when she left a clue for Ladybug and Cat Noir to find her in the past. She is pretty responsible with the powers she's given and with that, she knows how to keep things secret in order to keep time catastrophes from happening. Due to her time-based powers allowing her to access a pocket dimension of any point in time, like Viperion, she too has learned to become cool, calm and observant.

As Timebreaker, her rage increases to the desire of revenge without regret against her classmates. She is very determined to fix her watch, and she doesn't care about anyone that she takes energy from to do so, even taking advantage of Rose Lavillant's kindness. While wanting to succeed, Timebreaker is willing to retreat if it means a better chance. Despite this, her overconfidence in her abilities is her downfall when she assumes the present and future Ladybugs aren't clever enough to stop her. As well as have a limited understanding of how time travel works.

When akumatized a second time as Timebreaker, she, along with Lady Wifi, Reflekta, Princess Fragrance, and Horrificator, want to expose Marinette's secrets in hopes of saving her and to be friends again by forcing her to give them up, in her case she wants to go back in time to prevent Marinette from ending her friendship with them and turning back to the way it was. She and the Gang of Secrets have no qualms putting bystanders in danger to find Marinette, such as taking the energy so she can travel back in time. Her desire to persevere their friendship is so intense that she, Reflekta, Horrificator, and Princess Fragrance chase after an illusion of Marinette instead of taking Cat Noir's ring, with her falling into Ladybug's trap.


As a civilian[]

Alix is exceptionally fast and skilled at rollerblading. She is very confident about this, and races Lê Chiến Kim in Timebreaker. As seen in Reverser, she does graffiti art, showing signs of talent in art. Her father and brother also work in the Louvre, so she may know a lot about art itself and also history.

As Timebreaker[]

Timebreaker becomes much faster at rollerblading. She also gets the power to absorb life energy from people by touching them with the palm of her hand. She is not above exploiting compassion in order to lure a target close enough to drain them; in this case, she called out to Rose for help when knocked down. Once their energy is stolen, the affected person becomes frozen and starts to fade from existence. The energy is stored inside her rollerblades, and the more Timebreaker has, the faster and stronger she gets. Timebreaker is also able to use her energy to go back in time; the number of minutes she's able to rewind depends on how many people she freezes and how much energy they give.

As Bunnyx[]

Bunnyx has enhanced physical characteristics such as strength, speed and agility. Like a rabbit, Bunnyx has enhanced senses such as hearing and smell. Like Ladybug and Cat Noir she is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can use her umbrella in combat as well. When it's not being used, it's attached to her back.

Her special superpower, Burrow, allows her to create portals that can traverse through time. By advancing in time a few seconds, she can simulate teleportation. Notably, she can utilize this ability multiple times without necessitating detransformation, a testament of adult Bunnyx's skill as a Miraculous holder. This is similar to Second Chance, used with the Snake Miraculous.

When Bunnyx uses Burrow she enters a pocket dimension that allows her to view the past, the present and the future. Due to her having the Rabbit Miraculous, she also has the ability to sense anomalies or disturbances in the timeline like in "Cat Blanc". Depending on how bad the time anomalies or disturbances are Bunnyx will suffer from changes in the timeline.

As Canigirl

Canigirl has enhanced physical characteristics such as speed, strength and agility. She also has the superpower Fetch, allowing her to use her ball to track any object she had tagged with it beforehand and then teleport it to her once the ball touches it.

As Bunny Dog

In addition to the powers she has as Canigirl, she possesses the power of Burrow. It allows her to create portals that can traverse through time. By advancing in time a few seconds, she can simulate teleportation.


Alim Kubdel[]

Alix appears to have an amicable relationship with her father, as seen in "Timebreaker". She doesn't care about formalities like he does, and while she thanks him for the watch, it takes him showing her its special feature before she understands its importance and becomes grateful for it. When she realizes her dare with Kim is coming up, she also doesn't mind choosing to spend time with him on her birthday over spending time with her friends in order to not bail on him.

In "Evolution", while inside the museum with her father she was talking with him about doing the things they loved and hearing her father's desire to explore the past. Alix eagerly promised to invent a time machine so he can come with her. But seeing him with sadden smile Alix asks why and all he says is to remember her on this important day. Hearing Ladybug's explanation Alix was surprised by her father's calmness. With him explaining that he already knew of her destiny as Bunnyx thanks to postcards he received from his daughter's future self and she lovingly hugged her father promising to return.

Jalil Kubdel[]

As seen in "Kwamibuster", Alix doesn't seem to be very fond of her brother, as she continuously feels ashamed of him for participating in a TV show to expose his estranged beliefs, such as pyramids being alien spaceships that ran out of gas.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug[]

The two girls get along together, although Alix is upset for a while with Marinette and everyone else involved with her watch being destroyed. When asked why she isn't running for class representative in "Darkblade", Alix, annoyed, turns the question around and asks Marinette why she isn't running. Alix cares for Marinette enough to risk her life to team up with her classmates and protect her from Befana. While not a huge fan of romantic schemes, because she is aware of Marinette's crush on Adrien, she joins with other classmates to set up a romantic encounter for her with him in "Gigantitan". In "Frightningale", Alix shows affection by joining in the group hug with the girls and Marinette, twice, showing that she does appreciate Marinette's kindness as a friend. In "Reverser", she knows Marinette would never embarrass anyone on purpose.

Like Alya and her other friends, Alix knows that Marinette would never cheat or steal in "Ladybug" and became sad that her friend was expelled from school, which made her vulnerable to Akumatization. In "Cat Blanc", she continues to show Marinette her support in her pursuit of Adrien and praises her when she finally gave him her gift. But with the past change, she praises Marinette for her effort.

However, in "Gang of Secrets", Alix, like the rest of her friends, knew that something was Marinette and was heartbroken that Marinette ended their friendship leaving her vulnerable to akumatization, and after being de-akumatized, Marinette came clean with her, accepting that it's easier being with friends.

As for Ladybug, Alix appreciates her and her relentless work against supervillains. As Timebreaker, she originally wants Ladybug out of her way so she can travel back in time, but after Ladybug ruins her chance to save her watch, she and the past Alix shift the blame solely on her for getting the watch broken. After being reverted back to normal and seeing that Ladybug fixed her watch, though, Alix takes responsibility for the broken watch and joyfully thanks her. Being reakumatized into Timebreaker in "Gang of Secrets", she was determined to go back in time to try and save their friendship and was angry that Ladybug was in the way.

In "Zombizou", like everyone else she sees Ladybug as the key to fixing everything when she bravely sacrifices herself so she and the others can escape. In "Reverser", with Ladybug being clumsy and with an easily spooked Cat Noir, she volunteers to help the weakened heroes stop the villain.

In "Timetagger", Alix comes across Ladybug with a message for her through her family watch. By solving the riddle, she becomes ecstatic that not only does she get to meet her future self but also finds out that she'll be called upon by the heroine to become the Rabbit Miraculous holder one day.

In "Evolution", seeing Ladybug and Rabbit Noir, Alix excitedly knows that this is the day she becomes a Miraculous holder. However receiving the Dog Miraculous she was confused why it wasn't the Rabbit. Hearing the heroine's explanation of needing her help to get the current one back she was even more confused upon seeing Cat Noir with it. After entering the Burrow as Canigirl, she understood that the Rabbit Miraculous the heroes used came from her future self and was saddened to see herself paralyzed but comforted by Ladybug. She follows Ladybug and Rabbit Noir's plan on playing Monarch's greed and with the help of the Lucky Charm the trio were able to secure both versions of Rabbit Miraculous. With the mission complete Alix sadly returns both jewels but in her excitement her leader allows her to keep it. Happily meeting the current Fluff she transforms looking like her older self.

Bunnyx affectionately calls Ladybug, "Minibug" due to seeing her leader's younger self informing her that she was apart of their future team of heroes but due to the complexity of her powers was hero of the last chance and was here to help deal with Timetagger. Hearing Minibug doubt herself, she describes her "Ladybug" as an awesome team leader and the greatest hero ever realizing with her around every problem has a solution telling her that she will obtain that status by growing up. Like the other heroes, Bunnyx is extremely loyal to Ladybug and follows her orders without question, but hearing Minibug "surrender", she refused until being clued in about the plan returning to the future Bunnyx informs her leader of her failure until being told otherwise. With Timetagger deakumatized and brought back his own time, Bunnyx bid her younger self and the duo goodbye.

During "Cat Blanc", Bunnyx felt a dire crisis and went back into the past to retrieve Ladybug explaining the complexity of her powers even further and brought the young heroine to an alternate future where everything was destroyed and Cat Noir akumatized. By viewing the past she discovered Ladybug's identity and a few other things but above all praised her young leader for a good job as well as for fixing the past. When the young Ladybug worried that if altering the past changed her memories, Bunnyx simply said, "What is seen can't be unseen" hinting at the things she discovered. Before parting ways she told Minibug the reason why she was chosen to wield the Rabbit Miraculous because she knew how to keep a secret before leaving.

In "Evolution", after Ladybug and Cat Noir see time versions of themselves and Monarch, then Bunnyx appearing made them aware that Monarch wasted no time in using the Rabbit Miraculous' power. Understanding that Monarch was trying to rewrite the past during the scuffle Bunnyx becomes paralyzed. After both time versions of the Rabbit Miraculous are secured she praised her younger self and the duo. To further help the heroes both Bunnyx's stay in the burrow until Monarch is defeated.

Alya Césaire[]

Alix appears to be friends with Alya, as they both treat each other nicely. She entrusted her watch to her while she competed with Kim in "Timebreaker", but was upset upon finding the watch broken. But she doesn't seem to bear any ill towards Alya after this. She does also accept her invitations to hang out, such as in "Gigantitan". They both are at the movies with their friends in "Syren", and Alix sarcastically remarks to Alya if they're 'saved' now since Marinette said she would get help. She also comes with the girls to the audition in "Frightningale", and shares a group hug with Alya and the girls. One of their favorite pass times is watching horror movies at the cinema.[3]

Chloé Bourgeois[]

Chloé and Alix don't get along well, Alix knows that she is a bad person. After Chloé gets mocked by Alix in "Reverser", she even decides to leave the art club room and says "You don't deserve my art anyway!"

Rose Lavillant and Juleka Couffaine[]

Alix gets along nicely with Rose and Juleka. While a bit more down to earth and tomboyish than they are, she does enjoy spending time with them. Juleka and Rose come to see her compete with Kim on her birthday in "Timebreaker" and cheer for her to win. Alix willingly comes to the photoshoot in "Reflekta" to support Juleka. She hid behind Juleka in "Horrificator" while investigating the school. When setting up a date for Marinette and Adrien in "Gigantitan", she agrees with Rose that boys usually are clueless when it comes to love, and snidely mentions how she finds it creepy that Marinette knows everything about Adrien.

In "Zombizou", Alix holds an infected Rose back so the others won't be infected. At the end of the episode, she hugs Rose and Juleka. They've also hung out in other instances, like in "Syren" as she sits next to them at the movies. In "Frightningale", they audition to be extras in the music video 'Miraculous', and Juleka puts her hands on Alix's shoulder while waiting in line, and Alix leans on Juleka while the girls are laughing.

Lê Chiến Kim[]

Alix often competes with Kim as he challenges her to several of his dares. His most recent dare involved a race around the school to see if he is faster than her rollerblades. Both of them are very competitive with each other and trash talk each other. For example, when Kim is doing push-ups in the second issue of Miraculous Adventures, Alix taunts him by telling him that he won't make it to the amount of push-ups he is aiming for. Other than that, they do appear to be friends, seen taking a photo with him, Max, and Mr. Damocles in "The Dark Owl". She does care about his safety, as shown in "Syren" when she tries to look for him after he was taken by the titular villain.

Alix does find Kim funny at times, such as in "Startrain", as she laughed at his funny faces.

Ivan Bruel[]

Alix and Ivan appear to get along well: they're seen talking to each other in "Mr. Pigeon" and in "Timebreaker", Ivan was part of the crowd cheering for her during the race. In “Pixelator", they have a pillow fight while on a work experience field trip at Le Grand Paris. She also asks Ivan in surprise about him not remembering being Akumatized and attacking Paris in "Stoneheart”.

Nathaniel Kurtzberg[]

Alix appears to be close friends with Nathaniel, as seen in "Reverser". When Nathaniel mistakenly believes that Marc and Marinette played a joke on him, he explains the situation to Alix, who helps him realize that maybe he was mistaken.

It is also shown earlier on in "Reverser" that they have a rather playful relationship, as Alix likes to tease him and he, in turn, teases her back "light-heartedly".


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  • Alix's name is a feminine shortened version of Alexander, meaning "defender of man".
  • "Alix" is also the medieval French version of "Alice"[4]. This links to Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" when Alice is chasing the White Rabbit. The White Rabbit has a pocket watch. Coincidentally, Alix's pocket watch is the Rabbit Miraculous.
  • In the French version, Alix's villain name is Chronogirl.
  • In the Croatian dub, her name is changed to Aleks.
  • Originally, Alix was supposed to be in a trio with Chloé Bourgeois and Sabrina Raincomprix, which was a reference to the trio Sam, Clover, and Alex from Totally Spies!.[5]
  • Although Thomas Astruc spells her superhero name as Bunnyx [6], some official sources spell it as Bunnix.
  • Alix's family are of Amazigh origin.[7]
  • She is the shortest student in Miss Bustier's class.
  • She is the first villain in the show to make a hero disappear (presumably killing him), Cat Noir, by touching him while he is protecting Ladybug — although Ladybug goes back in time and prevents this outcome from happening again.
    • This also may count as the first known disappearance (presumed death) of a kwami and a Miraculous, as Plagg is in the ring for Adrien to be Cat Noir.
  • Alix's past self was transformed before she accepted Hawk Moth's deal.
  • As seen in "Darkblade", she doesn't care much for class elections.
  • She turns 15 in the episode "Timebreaker".
  • In the first issue of Miraculous Adventures, Alix is on a lacrosse team with Adrien, Ivan and Kim.
  • As implied in "Reverser", Alix goes to the art class to express herself through street art.
  • Timebreaker reappears in the two-part special event "Heroes' Day".
  • Timebreaker appears another time in "Gamer 2.0" for Gamer 2.0's powers.
  • A statue of Timebreaker appears in the Musée Grévin in "The Puppeteer 2".
  • Following Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Nathalie Sancoeur, Luka Couffaine, Max Kanté, and Kagami Tsurugi, is the eighth person to become a Miraculous holder and akumatized villain, excluding Gabriel Agreste, who akumatized himself.
  • Alix's role as the future holder of the Rabbit Miraculous was foreshadowed in the second opening in which Alix was shown with rabbit ears and a snout as well as in the Miraculous Webisode "Friends".
  • Alix's power as Bunnyx is similar to the one she has as Timebreaker, as they both allow her to travel through time. However, her time traveling power as Bunnyx doesn't require her to steal the life energy from others to travel through time.
  • Her Timebreaker suit makes the same noise as the Prototype Omnitrix, which is a broken watch like the Rabbit Miraculous, which is also capable of holograms, transformations, and, through transforming, time travel.
  • So far she's the only superhero whose power shares similarities to her power from when she was Akumatized, with both Timebreaker and Bunnyx having the power to travel through time.
  • As of "Timetagger", Alix is the only member of the team who didn't get her Miraculous in the current timeline.
    • But that changed in "Evolution", when Ladybug gave Alix the Rabbit Miraculous.
  • Because of the Rabbit Miraculous' power, Alix will be the only known member of French Miraculous superhero team to know the identities of Ladybug and Cat Noir.
  • Similar to Cat Noir and Rena Rouge, Bunnyx's ears are fake. It's been seen that they respond to her mood as they went down due to her exhaustion and sadness of her inability to beat Timetagger in the same episode.
    • Since her ears are fake they could be a pair of clip on ears.
  • As of her future alter ego is she technically the oldest member of the team.
    • She technically set the record for the longest time a Miraculous holder can be transformed for a total of 5,000 years.
  • On Twitter Miraculous creator, Thomas Astruc, confirmed that Alix is aromantic, meaning she doesn't experience romantic attraction stating "On va dire que Max est plutôt ace et Alix plutôt aro..." meaning "Let’s say that Max is kind of ace and Alix kind of aro ..."[8]
    • Additionally, the official Miraculous Ladybug website says she is a tomboy.
* She is the fourth person to unify two miraculouses following Gabriel, Adrien and Marinette.
  • The third member of the Miraculous Team to do so.
  • She is the third Dog Miraculous holder following Sabrina and Felix.
  • Alix wants to become an engineer when she grows up.


v - e
Miraculous Ladybug Logo
Television: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat NoirMiraculous (live-action TV series)

Film: Ladybug & Cat Noir AwakeningMiraculous (live-action film)
Web series: Miraculous SecretsMiraculous: Tales from ParisMiraculous ZAG Chibi
Apps: Miraculous Ladybug & Cat NoirZAG Heroez
Music: Miraculous Ladybug Christmas AlbumThe Wall Between Us
Books: Comic seriesMiraculous Adventures
Others: Ladybug PVMiraculous CGI promotional videos

Notable characters
French Miraculous superhero team: Marinette Dupain-Cheng/LadybugAdrien Agreste/Cat NoirAlya Césaire/Rena RougeChloé Bourgeois/Queen BeeNino Lahiffe/CarapaceAlix Kubdel/BunnyxFélix Fathom/ArgosLuka Couffaine/ViperionLê Chiến Kim/King MonkeyKagami Tsurugi/RyukoMax Kanté/PegasusZoé Lee/VesperiaMylène Haprèle/PolymouseRose Lavillant/PigellaJuleka Couffaine/Purple TigressSabrina Raincomprix/Miss HoundMarc Anciel/Rooster BoldNathaniel Kurtzberg/CaprikidIvan Bruel/Minotaurox

Kwamis: TikkiPlaggWayzzNoorooTrixxPollenDuusuFluffSassXuppuLonggKaalkiMulloDaizziRoaarBarkk ZiggyOrikkoStompp
Allies: Master Wang Fu/Jade TurtleUnited Heroez (Olympia Hill/MajestiaJessica Keynes/Sparrow/EagleAeon/Uncanny ValleyBarbara Keynes/KnightowlDean Gate/DoormanCamilla Hombee/VictoryHurricaneSnowflakeStingAgent RedHot Dog DanAgent YellowAgent BlueThornMercury)Fei Wu/Lady Dragon
Antagonists: Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/MonarchNathalie Sancoeur/MayuraChloé BourgeoisTomoe TsurugiLila Rossi/Cerise Bianca/Iris VerdiFélix FathomBob RothXY/Xavier-Yves Roth

Notable locations
Collège Françoise DupontNew York CityParisLondonShanghaiTokyo
Notable episodes
Season 1: "The Origins Story"

Season 2: "Queen's Battle""Heroes' Day""Santa Claws"
Season 3: "The Battle of the Miraculous"
Season 4: "Shadow Moth's Final Attack"
Season 5: "The Kwamis' Choice""The Last Day""Action"
Other: "Miraculous Shanghai""Miraculous New York""Miraculous Paris""Miraculous London"List of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir episodes
Cancelled/Unconfirmed: "Ladybug in Halloween""Miraculous Africa""Miraculous Rio"Miraculous Tokyo""One Night Mission"

Notable objects
Miraculouses: Ladybug MiraculousCat MiraculousTurtle MiraculousButterfly MiraculousFox MiraculousBee MiraculousPeacock MiraculousMouse MiraculousOx MiraculousTiger MiraculousRabbit MiraculousDragon MiraculousSnake MiraculousHorse MiraculousGoat MiraculousMonkey MiraculousRooster MiraculousDog MiraculousPig Miraculous

Miraculous tools:BallBolasBullroarerCaneFluteFountain PenHand FanHorseshoeLyreMalletPaint BrushRuyi Jingu BangShieldSkip RopeSpinning TopStaffSwordTambourineUmbrellaYo-yo
Other: Marinette's purseMiracle Box

See Also
Miraculous Ladybug WikiZAG Heroez